ISSN 1842-4562
Member of DOAJ
Volume 17 - 2022
Volume 16 - 2021
Volume 15 - 2020
Volume 14 - 2019
Volume 13 - 2018
Volume 12 - 2017
Volume 11 - 2016
Volume 10 - 2015
Volume 9 - 2014
Volume 8 - 2013
Volume 7 - 2012
Volume 6 - 2011
Volume 5 - 2010
Volume 4 - 2009
Volume 3 - 2008
Volume 2 - 2007
Volume 1 - 2006

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Call for Papers

Current issue is out by 283 days!
(Jan 12, 2024)

The Mission

Our goal is to develop practical oriented quantitative methods and thus to encourage young researchers and industry specialists to apply new quantitative methods.
We publish original papers and inter-disciplinary results.
Each issue will be dedicated to an important topic from today main practical areas.

We would like that JAQM papers to have the following template:

  • Problem or model definition
  • Developed methods and alghorithms
  • Data set loading
  • Software computations
  • Results analysis
  • Solution development

JAQM aims that its papers to become the tools for anyone that faces with similar problems.

Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods Author Guidelines

Editorial objectives

To publish research on the practice, techniques and decisions related to quantitative methods of use to scholars and practitioners across the world.

Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods was founded in 2006 to offer scholars and practitioners an outlet for their work in the broad field of applied quantitative methods. The JAQM has attracted a diverse and high quality range of manuscripts resulting in a typical issue of 5-7 articles reflecting a 30% acceptance rate.

We aim to publish well-written readable articles with appeal to scholars and practitioners in the field of quantitative methods. We particularly encourage new and first-time authors. The Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods is a quarterly publication published in March, June, September and December of each year.

Manuscript submission

Manuscript format should adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style ( Maximum length of submission is thirty pages (A4 or Letter size with one inch margins), double spaced, including abstract, appendices, references, figures, and tables.

Include a cover letter with the paper's title and the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the contact person; a brief bio (one or two paragraphs) for each author; together with the statement "my/our original paper entitled ................. has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere." Note: If the author/s use their own previously published work(s) as a basis for the submission, they must cite the previous work(s) and briefly indicate how the submission offers substantial novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s).

Submission indicates that the paper or a similar version of it has not been previously published, accepted for publication, and/or is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submit via e-mail attachment a Microsoft Word or PDF copy of your manuscript to one of the editors; Ion Ivan, Claudiu Herteliu, or Gheorghe Nosca at claudiu dot herteliu at gmail dot com .

Papers will be reviewed using a double-blind review process. Names of author(s) should appear only on the title page. Authors should not identify themselves or their institution elsewhere in the paper.

Manuscripts will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to JAQM readership
  • Originality and contribution to the literature

All submitted papers will be reviewed and feedback sent to the author(s) within two to three months.

When an article is accepted the author will be required to complete a Copyright Assignment and to warrant that the article does not contain any material of an obscene or libellous nature or infringe any existing copyright.