ISSN 1842-4562
Member of DOAJ

Public Service Motivation and Employee Outcomes in the Italian Public Sector: Testing the Mediating Effect of Person-Organization Fit

Raffaela PALMA


Public Service Motivation, Person Organization fit, Italy


This article examines the relationship between Public Service Motivation and the following outcomes, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Individual Performance and Quit Intention, essential outcomes in the life of any organization though in my work it is the school which is focused upon. Using a sample of 296 public teachers in the Italian public sector, a mediation model is outlined and tested empirically using Partial Least Squares-Path Modeling. Our results show that Public Service Motivation positively affects the congruence between employees’ values and organizational mission, known as “Person Organization-fit”, which in turn has significant positive associations with Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Individual Performance, but negative associations with Quit Intentions. All of these outcomes improve the performance in public and private organizations. In general, our findings suggest that if public managers want to improve the organizational performance and avoid their employees to quit the organization they belong to, then they must favor more in general Public Service Motivation, but more specifically the achievement of the above mentioned congruence.
