Human Reliability Modeling
Irina–Maria DRAGAN KeywordsErrors, Reliability, Human factor, Modeling, Man-machine system AbstractAs the complexity of reliability systems grew, they became increasingly dependent on the human factor. Major disasters like the one at Three Mile Island, the Challenger ship, Chernobyl, nuclear power plant accidents, aviation, industrial disasters, etc. have been attributed to the human factors. Hence the need to study the reliability of the human factor as a distinct element of the reliability of the technical and economic systems. After some conceptual clarifications, we are investigating the state of knowledge in the field of human reliability. The literature provides as usual solutions, description and calculation errors, mainly, Goel-Okumato models of class time-domain and time-domain class, where the most notorious is the model Jelinsnski-Moranda, both inspired by the reliability of the software. The study presented in this material, the suitability of a statistical model is able to capture, process, and faithfully carry out human error in "man-machine" system. The application is based on the data recorded from the testing human operators in the management of complex technical systems. Through generalization, the process can be extended to other complex systems such as "man-machine”. (top)