Secure Architecture for Automatic Ticketing Systems - Online EnabledKeywords2D barcode, Ticketing System, DataMatrix code – ISO/IEC 16022, QR code – ISO/IEC 18004, MMS – Multimedia Message Service, M-DRM – Mobile Digital Rights Management , 2D Barcode Automatic Ticketing System – 2D BATS, AbstractThe paper presents a solution for endcoding/decoding access to the subway public transportation systems and the quantitative indicators about the validation process. First part of the paper is dedicated through section one to the most used 2D barcodes used in the market – QR and DataMatrix. The sample for DataMatrix is author propietary. The section two presents MMS and Digital Rights Management topics used for issuing the 2D barcodes tickets. The second part of the paper, starting with section three shows the architecture of Subway Ticketing Systems and the proposed procedure for the ticket issuing and the validation tests. The conclusions identify trends of the security topics in the public transportation systems. (top)