SPECTRALYZER: A Comprehensive Program to Classify FTIR Microscopic Data Applied for Early Detection of Critical Ailments
J. R. SCHWARTZ Keywordsmicro spectroscopy, computational tool, SPECTRALYZER AbstractMicro spectroscopy can be used for the early diagnosis of critical ailments. Early diagnosis is crucial for identifying the presence of a disease before it progresses beyond a critical stage. It has been shown that micro spectroscopy can be used as a non-invasive or limited-invasive approach for detecting different stages of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.. The unique spectral "fingerprint" that characterizes premalignant cells can be used to differentiate each stage from normal (healthy) cells. Techniques lacking automatic, objective, sensitive and rapid diagnostic tools are not sufficient. We have developed SPECTRALYZER, a novel micro spectroscopical computational tool for automated complementary diagnostic analysis. (top)