ISSN 1842-4562
Member of DOAJ

Event - Some Epistemological Considerations Concerning Quantitative Analysis


"Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am honored by this award for many reasons. The mission assumed by the Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods is generous, and its profile fascinating. From the very first editions, the publication has complied with the high scientific standards. I am also pleased by the fact that the award addresses to my life-time passion. Bringing to my attention the jury’s decision, Professor Alexandru Isaic-Maniu suggested that, on this occasion, I reveal some thoughts inspired from my experience in research, teaching and practice.

My contact with the fabulous universe of Economics has indeed given rise to many reflections, and I will share with you some of them that refer to three theses that question the gnoseological and operational efficiency of quantitative methods in the social domain...."

