ISSN 1842-4562
Member of DOAJ

A Three Way Analysis of the Academic Capital of a Romanian University

Mihaela Cornelia PREJMEREAN


academic capital, three-way analysis, university intellectual capital


The paper applies three-way analysis (Kroonenberg, 1982, 2008) to the components of academic capital of a Romanian university, over a five-year period, showing the biases and the relations between the various components. The influences from inside the academia are being discussed, together with analyzing their positive or not so positive effect on the variables related to academic capital. The model of intellectual capital, thoroughly discussed in literature, is being adapted to this particular situation, of a university in the situation of "leasing" its academic capital for the sake of academic capitalism. The tensions between the two concepts are underlined, in a framework which, being applicable to every university, relies on data collected from a Romanian economic university.
