ISSN 1842-4562
Member of DOAJ

Analysis of Saltwater Anglers’ Preferences toward Recreational Fisheries Management Strategies

Yeong Nain CHI
Marvin G. LOVETT


Saltwater Anglers, Preferences, Recreational Fisheries Management Strategies, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multinomial Logit Analysis


Understanding saltwater anglers’ preferences of recreational fisheries management strategies could be one of many critical factors to the effectiveness of responsive and adaptive marine resource management programs. This study utilized cross-sectional data extracted from the 2013 National Saltwater Angler Survey, conducted by NOAA Fisheries Service, to examine saltwater anglers’ preferences toward recreational fisheries management strategies, to identify groups exhibiting common patterns of responses, and to examine the association between socio-demographic characteristics and the groups identified. Anglers’ preferences toward recreational fisheries management strategies from these participants were examined through factor analysis which identified four reliable factors. Cluster analysis was employed to identify three prominent groups. Statistical tests were employed to investigate the association between socio-demographic characteristics, including age, gender, income level, educational level, region of the respondent, and the saltwater angler groups identified. Results of this study may provide insight regarding the preferences toward recreational fisheries management strategies from saltwater anglers as an indicator of potential participation and behavior of saltwater fisheries management.
